Sunday, May 11, 2008

It's Mother's Day and I'm a MOM! CRAZY!!! The day I became a mother was the HAPPIEST day of my life. To be entrusted with my sweet, beautiful little Max has given me more joy than I ever thought I could have. I can't wait to do do it all over again! Well, I guess I can wait. I just had to throw in these other pictures cause they're so stinkin' cute!
Here's cousin Brayden with Max. They were having fun playing on the floor at grandma's house. Brayden is too cute with other kids. He has such a good heart.

Cousin Bella had way too much fun at Disneyland. Yes, that is a Mickey shaped waffle in her hand. LOVE IT!!My little Max loves his Aunt Lisa oh so much! I think she kinda likes him too....just a little.


andrea garber said...

Max is so stikin cute. I forget how little they were when they were born. I only see them as they are now. WEIRD. I love it...we're moms!!

Mel said...

Look I found your blog!!! You guys are the cutest family. It is so fun living right by you. Cooper really thinks you guys are great. Check out our blog.

Lisa said...

Boo, I sure do love that little Maxwell. I'm so glad he likes me. Or at least he pretends.